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TRUMP series manga side stories
Title | Notes |
「そこのみが闇」 Darkness is Only There | – From volume 2 About one of the clan vampires featured in the manga, who was the instigator of a mass-hallucination in the Clan. He believed he was Louis the Great. |
「椅子人はかく語りき」 Thus Spoke the Human Chair | – From volume 3 About a person who was taken in by Dali, became an influential figure and resolves to become his human chair. |
「非実存少年の実存」 The Existence of a Non-Existent Boy | – From volume 4 About Lulumina and Allen, from Lulumina’s POV. |
「デリコの葬列」 Delico’s Funeral Procession | – From volume 5 About Sai, Banri’s partner and what he did after the events of TRUMP. |
Delico’s Nursery -Innocent Waltz-

Title | Notes |
Prologue –Innocent Waltz– | |
「だからものを探そう」–episode Raffaello– So Let’s Look For Things –episode Raffaello– | |
Side story「あの日の出来事」 Side story: What happened that day | |
「僕の自慢のお父様」–episode Angelico– My Father, My Pride –episode Angelico– | |
Side story 「昼下がりの洗濯室にて」 Side story: In the Laundry Room in the Early Afternoon | |
「人形の国」–episode Lucia– The Land of Dolls –episode Lucia– | |
Side story 「悩むしき料理長の憂鬱」 Side story: The Troubled Chef’s Melancholy | |
「ちょっとだけ背伸び」–episode Elena– A Little Taller –episode Elena– | |
Side story 「子どもたちの片づけ」 Side story: The Children are Tidying Up | |
「その一歩を踏み出す」–episode Theodore– Taking the First Step –episode Theodore– | |
Side story 「旦那様の育児日記」 Side story: Master’s Childcare Diary | |
「ぷにぷにの魔法」–episode Ul– Squishy Magic –episode Ul– | |
Epilogue –Endless Waltz– |
Delico’s Nursery BD/DVD

Title | Notes |
「Tea Break with the Delicos」 | Volume 1 extra |
「Tea Break with the Fras」 | Volume 1 extra |

Title | Notes |
「Tea Break with the Lorcas」 | Volume 2 extra |
「Tea Break with the Classicos」 | Volume 2 extra |